InnerView® Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the InnerView?

Answer: The personality assessment tool is named the InnerView. (click here for details)

2. How much does it cost?

The price of the InnerView is $150.00 per assessment.

3. What is the InnerView's research base?

Answer: Psychologists have been measuring aspects of personality for years... (click here for details)

4. Is the InnerView Professional Profile bias-free?

Answer: InnerViewing is not gender, nationality, race or religion biased... (click here for details)

5. How complicated is the InnerView to administer?

Answer: The InnerView is unique in that it provides personality analysis that is easily administered... (click here for details)

6. What is meant by satisfaction guaranteed?

Answer: Tens of Thousands of InnerViews have been administered over the years... (click here for details)